Setting Up Your Klu Stickers

In previous posts, we’ve detailed how to generate QR codes from the Klu app. In this post, we will explain how to claim pre-generated QR Codes from Klu Stickers. Watch the video and follow the steps below to get your first Klu Sticker primed for sticking and scanning.

Table of Contents

Steps to Claiming your Klu Stickers

Step 1

Scan the Klu with your native camera or through the Klu app.

Step 2

Claim the Klu to your account by pressing the ‘choose media’ button and selecting a piece of content to connect.

Step 3

Fill out the title and description boxes. 

Step 4

Scroll to the bottom and press the save icon.


Klu Stickers were designed to simplify the process of connecting and sharing content physically. Claiming and placing a Klu sticker is far less tedious than generating and printing a Klu from within the app. 

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